Monday, February 24, 2014

40 Days of Prayer - Day 21 JOINS US TODAY! ... IT'S NOT TOO LATE!!

40 Days of Prayer - Day 21
At NorthWest Bible Church, we are doing 40 Days of Prayer. I would like you to join us wherever you live.

40 Days of Prayer - Day 21

NWBC Family and Friends,

Our Father in heaven!”  I love that when Jesus was asked to teach us how to pray, He begins His lesson with these four words.  When we pray, we are talking, crying out, speaking, listening and leaning in to and communing with our Father – our Perfect Father in heaven.  And He is overflowing with grace - rich, abundant, needed and healing grace.  Enjoy meeting with your Gracious Heavenly Father today!

Our constant prayer throughout these 40 days is to ask God to touch our hearts, train our hearts, and transform our hearts with the Gospel - God's amazing Story of His redeeming and saving Love.  

Below is our specific request to pray for and a Scripture to pray through.  I’m writing out my prayer as an example of how I’m connecting to God.  Your words and your prayers matter and He can’t wait to hear your voice.

Day 21:  Monday, February 24
Praise God for the abundant grace He has poured out upon His people.

“See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are!”  (1 John 3:1) 

My Pastor Ty's Prayer:  Our Father in heaven, I want to thank you from the bottom of my healed heart for the grace that you have shown and continue to show me.  Your grace is more than sufficient, and experiencing the great grace You’ve offered to me in Your Son Jesus is overwhelming.  Thank You for graciously saving, rescuing and redeeming me.  I pray that Your grace will pour through me as I learn to live more like You.  Help me to be gracious, literally to be grace filled and overflowing toward those You put in my path today.  In Jesus’ name and for His fame, Amen.

Praying with you,
Pastor Ty

My Prayer: Dear Father God, this is the easiest prayer for me because there is just so very much I have to be thankful for. You have been with me at my side since I could remember.Even when I was a child and not yet saved, You were there every time I was frightened by my dad's drunken rages, You made me feel You were there.You made me aware that You were there as I became an adult, giving me direction even when I chose to go my own way. You were there when I lost my unborn babies, giving me comfort and hope that I will have children. You have made me stronger through financial hard times, divorce, grief and pain. You never gave up on me, You showed me miracles can happen when You saved my yet unborn Missy. You kept tugging on my shoulder, telling me what I was missing in my life was excepting You into my heart.  I thank You for saving me. For giving me the gift of forgiveness which comes so very easy for me. I have been through so many different hard times and You made me stronger in my faith because of it.  You taught me to never give up, to have hope and faith, but mostly to trust in You.  I trust in You completely these past couple of years because You poured out Your grace and love to me more times then I could count.  You showed me that whatever bad happens in my life, You will turn it around for good and to You be the glory. I pray Father God that You will help me to bring others to You by my testimony and by example.  That Your abundant grace will pour out of me to whom ever crosses my path. I pray this in Jesus Holy name, Amen.

Ryan is our NorthWest Bible Church's Worship Director. My daughter Missy and Ryan were in choir together when they were little. He is amazing...I love his voice and thought you would enjoy his video.

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