Monday, February 17, 2014

40 Days of Prayer - Day 14..JOINS US TODAY!

40 Days of Prayer - Day 14
At NorthWest Bible Church, we are doing 40 Days of Prayer. I would like you to join us wherever you live.

40 Days of Prayer - Day 14
NWBC Family and Friends,
Our constant prayer throughout these 40 days is to ask God to touch our hearts, train our hearts, and transform our hearts with the Gospel – God’s amazing Story of His redeeming and saving Love. Attached you’ll also find the PDF for the week. Print it out and post it and let’s pray, NWBC.

“Learn it to live it!” Remember that tagline? To some it was a lifeline. Good information should lead to good transformation – especially when it comes to the Gospel. What does the Gospel look like in your everyday life? How is His Story impacting, affecting, directing and showing up in your story? Today we are praying for wisdom to know how to make room for that to happen.

Below is our specific request to pray for and a Scripture to pray through. I’m writing out my prayer as an example of how I’m connecting to God. Your words and your prayers matter and He can’t wait to hear your voice.

Day 14: Monday, February 17

Ask God for wisdom as we apply His story to our own life story.

“If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.” (James 1:5)

My Pastor Ty's Prayer: 
“Dear God, I ask You to give me wisdom to know how to apply Your Story to my story. Would You please guide and direct me and help me to do that. I need You to show me how to live out the Gospel and how to live out my faith in Jesus. I pray that you will shine through my wife and children today as they go through their day. I pray that they will experience Your Presence in their lives as they seek to do the same. Show me how to be a Gospel saturated husband and father. In Jesus name and for His glory, Amen."

Praying with y’all,

Pastor Ty

My Prayer:  Dear Father God, I pray for wisdom when people are trying to learn about you.  I try to share Your story with everyone when given a chance.  But there are times I don't have the words when they are hurt, upset or angry about something or someone. They say to whatever guidance I have given them through You word that they did that or tried that or it didn't work.  I tried to explain about Your time is now ours and Your time will work out for good. I also tried to tell them that they have to forgive others for their prayers to be answered.  But they have a hard time on forgiving because the situation is on going and not over.  I need Your wisdom on how to help this person. You have given me the gift of forgiveness. You have given me through Your story the wisdom to control my quick temper...most of the time.  I really want to help this person because they are reaching out since they know how much You had changed me and how much You have become a big part of my life. Please give me the wisdom on what to do.  I pray this in Your Son, Jesus Holy Name, Amen.

Ryan is our NorthWest Bible Church's Worship Director. My daughter Missy and Ryan were in choir together when they were little. He is amazing...I love his voice and thought you would enjoy his video.

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