Saturday, February 15, 2014

40 Days of Prayer - Day 12..JOINS US TODAY!.

40 Days of Prayer - Day 12
At NorthWest Bible Church, we are doing 40 Days of Prayer. I would like you to join us wherever you live.

40 Days of Prayer – Day 12

NWBC Family and Friends,

Our constant prayer throughout these 40 days is to ask God to touch our hearts, train our hearts, and transform our hearts with the Gospel – God’s amazing Story of His redeeming and saving Love.

We need to gather on Sunday mornings with a desire to hear from heaven. I want to challenge each of us to ask God to speak through the weekly messages to all who are gathered…to the one who doesn’t yet know God, to the one who is just getting to know God, and to the one who knows God fairly well. Only God is able to that.

Below is our specific request to pray for and a Scripture to pray through. I’m writing out my prayer as an example of how I’m connecting to God. Your words and your prayers matter and He can’t wait to hear your voice.  
By Pastor Ty

Day 12: Saturday, February 15

Pray that we will be challenged by each week’s message.

“Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow. Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you.” (Psalm 25:4-5)

Pastor Ty's Prayer: “Dear God, I pray that each one of us would have ears to hear all that You are saying to us when we gather together on Sunday. We trust that Your Holy Spirit will bring Your word to life and show us Jesus. I pray that we’ll have an open heart and teachable spirit, to not just listen to the message but commit to live out what we hear from You. Thank You for speaking to us. In Jesus name, Amen.”

Leaning in and listening with you,
By Pastor Ty

My Prayer:  Dear Father God, I hear Your word every Sunday. I pray that Your message teaches me and all of us that hear Your word to listen to what You want us to do. That as we listen and read Your word, the Holy Spirit will open our hearts and guide in the direction You want us to go.  That You show others that don't know You yet, will open their eyes and see Jesus. That You will challenge us to share Your word with everyone and their ears are open and willing to hear Your message of how much you love us. I pray this in Jesus name, Amen.

Ryan is our NorthWest Bible Church's Worship Director. My daughter Missy and Ryan were in choir together when they were little. He is amazing...I love his voice and thought you would enjoy his video.

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