Monday, June 16, 2014

VBS at NorthWest Bible Church This Week

VBS at NorthWest Bible Church This Week in Spring Texas

If you have never heard of VBS before, let me explain what it's all about. 

 Whether you are a new member of NorthWest Bible Church, a parent, grandparent, relative or guardian of a toddler - 5th grader they can be part of the VBS experience.  Children that have never been to church before or go to another church are welcome.  VBS stands for Vacation Bible School.  Weird Animals is the theme this year the children will be experiencing.  It's not to late to bring the kids.  VBS Weird Animals is from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m., but get there a few minutes before.  Let the kids come and have fun while learning about Jesus' unconditional love!

At Weird Animals Vacation Bible School, kids 
experience God’s Word in surprising and 
unforgettable ways! Each day, leaders 
reinforce one simple Bible truth—which 
makes it easy for kids to remember and 
apply to real life!

Why are we using weird animals?   

Kids love crazy, weird, even gross animals. The weirder, the better.  Kids are obsessed with animal shows, and magazines.  Boys and girls love this at all ages!

God filled the world with a lot of crazy creatures...including you! When kids feel weird, different, or even lost in a crowd—nothing compares to the extraordinary love of Jesus.

Combining Jesus’ unconditional love with a setting that’s bursting with the weirdest animals anyone’s ever seen, we can show how Jesus showed unconditional love to lepers, outcasts, and criminals…  people who may have been considered weird. And some of the things Jesus did may have seemed weird to the people around him. 

The Bible brims with accounts of Jesus demonstrating unconditional love in unexpected (and maybe even weird) ways. 

                                                                            How To Pray for our Children......                                                                    This week lets all give our children a special week of prayer.  That they learn and remember Jesus' love for them, even if they think of themselves as being weird, He loves them.  Letting them know everyone is weird in their own way, even Jesus......Talking to a Samaritan woman? Unheard of. Taking a servant’s job and washing feet? Ugh, really? That being weird or different is what makes us special and Jesus gives us His unconditional love.   We pray that they learn this at an early age and that they learn to recognize and hate sin.                                                                                                                          You have been taught the holy Scriptures from childhood, and they have given you the wisdom to receive the salvation that comes by trusting in Christ Jesus.  2 Timothy 3:15                                                                                                    You who love the LORD, hate evil! He protects the lives of his godly people and rescues them from the power of the wicked. Psalm 97:10

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