Friday, July 26, 2013

This is the day the Lord has made!

This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

God has given us life; so even when things go wrong, like your sink gets always stopped up and it needs to get fixed, remember how lucky you are that you have a home and a sink! You may not be able to find your car keys....remember how lucky you are you have a car. or maybe how lucky you were late leaving the
house since there was a big accident on the same road you would have been on if you did have your car keys. You may hate your job, remember there are people that don't have jobs and would love to have yours. Your kids made a mess after you just finished cleaning, remember how many people don't have a home to clean.

You may say, well that is too hard.  Yes, it is hard.  I know and I have to remind myself these things every day. When I fell and done extensive damage to my leg. I thought I would just get a cast and go back to work the next day. In 6 weeks the cast would come off and I would have been as good as new. Well, that was not the case. I was bed ridden for 4 months. went through 4 surgeries, extensive therapy and I still don't walk the way I used to.  

What I have learned is I am still blessed.  There are so many people out there that are dealing with illnesses for so many years. They are having to deal with worse things than I have to do.  I am no martyr, God was with me all the way. Sending me people to help me get to therapy.  Sending me people with food for my family and me, because money is tight and with my husband going to work each day and then having to come home and do the thing I used to do. Getting me a hospital bed when workers comp wouldn't pay for one. I don't get a check during the summer, so we stock piled food to last us through the summer.  Then we thought, what if there is a hurricane and loose power, hundreds of dollars worth of food would go bad and have to get thrown away. I prayed and asked for a generator to borrow....guess what, God sent me a person with a generator for us to borrow.

The point I am trying to make is, God never promised us life would be easy, but if you remember it could be worse. Remember too, God will get you through the hard times if you have faith and trust in Him!

One more thing, if these things didn't happen to me, I would not be able to understand other peoples problems and what they are going through. I would not be able to share this testimony on how God is always there and hope it will help someone else.  There is an old saying to remember, "When life gives us lemons, just go make some Lemonade!"

Remember to Praise the Lord each and everyday for what you do have...Remember things could be worse!


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