Tuesday, September 25, 2012




Forgiveness in the bible is one of the greatest blessings that God has given us, and one of the greatest blessings we can give to others. If we all lived by the mantra “an eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth,” we would all be blind and toothless. Instead, we must forgive others who wrong us, just as our Father has forgiven us.

But sometimes forgiveness isn’t easy. Betrayal and abuse can hurt (both emotionally and physically), which can cause us to struggle with true forgiveness. In fact, we can sometimes hurt ourselves worse by not forgiving the offender in our life, as opposed to simply forgiving them and moving on

Forgiveness Definition:

If you look up a definition online, then you may find definitions like the ones below:
  • The act of excusing a mistake or offense
  • Forgiveness is typically defined as the process of concluding resentment, indignation or anger as a result of a perceived offense, difference or mistake, and/or ceasing to demand punishment or restitution
Do we have to forgive those who never apologize?
Again, you should forgive the person and not seek revenge or harbor feelings of hatred.
Do we have to maintain a relationship when we forgive and be reconciled? 
However, it may be wise to “treat them as a pagan” as Jesus pointed out.
Do things have to return to normal?       
     Again, this means you simply avoid the person doing wrong. Remember also, the apostle Paul tells us:

But now I am writing you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler. With such a man do not even eat.” 1 Corinthians 5:11

Here, we see that it is wise for Christians to limit activity with people who are unrepentant–both towards us and to God.

What if a family member hurts me, and isn’t sorry? If you are a Christian, your family is your brothers and sisters in Christ. Biology means very little to God, especially after the Great Judgment. Granted, we must honor our mother and father, and love all people. But what happens if a biological member of our family harms us? We forgive them. We love them. But if they do not change, or are not sorry, then we may need to create a boundary. We may need to love them from a distance, and avoid going around them as often. Even if our mothers or fathers are unrepentant, then we may need to honor them from a distance.

What if someone apologizes, changes/repents, but I don’t want to forgive?
We have a command, and the command is to forgive. Don’t seek revenge (let God do that), and do not harbor feelings of hatred. Let it go, forgive, and move on. Your relationship may change. You may have to draw a boundary, but move on. If someone truly changes, and you still have not granted forgiveness, then you risk being hurt far more by this.

Why Do Some People Never Admit Wrong?
It is very hard to forgive people who never admit wrong, who never apologize, and who never change their ways. Why do they do this? Pride is one reason. People don’t like to think they are imperfect. Fear of being perceived as weak is another. People have all sorts of reasons for not admitting their faults or apologizing.

1. Always point out the wrong to a person:  Jesus told us we should always tell the person privately as a first line of reconciliation and forgiveness.

2. Always admit mistakes yourself:  Be quick to admit your mistake and apologize. If you do this, perhaps others will be the same way with you. When you admit a wrong, and change the behavior, it is so easy to forgive and even forget.

3. Pray for them: Pray for God to bless the person who hurt you. Start to pray each night for the person who wronged you.  Ask God to help them overcome their sin, to help them realize their wrongs, and to bless them. To help them live a long and happy life, and I would wish them well.
Even though this person never apologized, this prayer will help you to overcome all bitterness and pain the person caused. If you are struggling with this, then I would urge you to pray for the person each night, wish them well, and pray that they may be saved and blessed. For even Jesus himself said:

“But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you…” Matthew 5:44

Summary: Forgive Others as God Forgives You
God forgives us, and we should forgive others. We are commanded to forgive. We are blessed when we give. Others are also blessed when they receive forgiveness. Forgiveness means letting go of anger and resentment, and not seeking revenge. It does not mean we always forget. It does not mean there are no consequences. It does not mean things may stay the same. But it does mean we are to obey God, love, and pray.
I hope this Bible Study Lesson has helped you. May God forgive us all for our sins, and may we all forgive others their trespasses too.   May God Smile Down On You & May Your Life Be Blessed! 

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