Friday, August 15, 2014

A True Christian Does Not Cast Judgement

I am writing this to all judgemental Christians.  This has been going on for a while where I seen postings from people that claim to be Christians and judge others they don't even know.  Matter a fact, it just happen to me by someone I thought was a Christian, she even has a beautiful waiting ringtone "Amazing Grace". She was saying things that were most hurtful and far from the true as well.  I say if you are a Christian you don't judge anyone. If you know the person, and don't understand something about them, don't judge them, but ask what you might think to be wrong, you might just understand better and even become closer friend. Don't make up things about them either.  I don't get the thrill out of being mean and vindictive, so it's hard for me to comprehend.

As for Robin Williams, you don't know what was in his heart and what his last words were.  He did have a religious background. Yes, I know religion has nothing to do with it.  It's having a relationship with God and believing Jesus is the son of God and He died for our sins and rose from the dead. That Jesus is alive in Heaven.  Robin Williams could have asked God to forgive him and asked to take him home.  

You so called Christians, don't you remember when Jesus was crucified he wasn't alone. One of the prisoners asked Jesus to remember him.....42 And he was saying, "Jesus, remember me when You come in Your kingdom!" 43 And He said to him, "Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise." Luke 23:42-43. This being from the bible, Jesus let this man be in Heaven with him even though he was a sinner....but he asked Jesus. We don't know about anyone that died and didn't accept Jesus as their Savior while they were living, and what happened to them when they died, because do we really know what they said at their last breath. 

Jesus died to save us because we are all sinners and that includes committing suicide....all we have to do is ask. So again to you so called Christians, you are supposed to show the world you are Christ like. You are NOT supposed to make it easy for non-believers to say there is no Heaven or hell. That there is no God. That we Christians believe in a mythical God, a fictional God, a fantasy God or we are a cult, made up thousands of years ago. Making them say that we are vindictive, judgemental, hypocrites, self righteous and hateful, so how good can our God be good. 

You so called Christians make God and being a Christian evil. I and many other True Christians say as Jesus said, Jesus turned to Peter and said, "Get away from me, Satan! You are a dangerous trap to me. You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from God's." Matthew 16:23....

Lord I pray for people that believe themselves to be Christians, but they are quick to judge others. I lift them up to you for guidance instead of judging, would see the good in people.  Being a Christian don't make any of us better than anyone else.  We make mistakes and sin even when we try to be good we still slip into sin. If we were perfect, You would not have had to die for our sins.  I pray Robin Williams, may you finally rest in peace, free from you torment. Lord, I lift up to you Robin's family. Wrap Your loving arms around them giving them comfort at this time of grief.  I pray this in Your Son Jesus' Holy Name, Amen †

True Christians, Please Share This Message!

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