Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Do you think he's sorry?

The Kissing Up...
Okay, this I had to share. Did you ever have just one of those days that everything you do takes 3 times longer to do then it should?   Well, I had one of those days today. I was trying to get Avon back orders on the customer's invoices and the internet was running really slow.  I also needed to up date the mailing labels and print them out.....I was out of ink...Well, I did just buy ink so that was okay, but when I tried to open the packaging.... they had sealed it so much that it took 15 minutes just to get it out of the package. Finally I did, but all this took so long that someone got mischief like a 2 year old child. 

Since Petey wasn't getting my attention, he kept getting into trouble.  He chewed up a box while I was getting everything ready to print...which wasn't that bad since it was trash anyway. Then he usually lays down when I go on the computer.  Well,  since printing out the Avon invoices and mailing labels took so long, he was bored. He decided to take it out on his bed. This is a picture of the hole he made in one bite.

Needless to say he's in trouble and got yelled at.  Now this is how a pig pouts....
Petey sulking....

Hiding from me...
Now just trying to look cute and get my attention...

That's it!  My day and Petey the Pouting Pig!! ☺

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