Sunday, March 30, 2014

I went to see the movie "Son of God"

"Son or God"

I went to see the movie "Son of God" at the Santiko Silverado 19 in Tomball.  It did have a few parts that that were not in the order of the Bible.  It did leave out a lot of the miracles 
that Jesus did and it seamed to go through His Story quickly.  To some, this may seam like a 

short summery of Jesus' time on earth, but the movie was 2 hours and 18 minutes long. I don't think they could have added more because of the time frame. With that being said, I feel it was like a testimony of Jesus' life.  It got the point across of who Jesus is.  It did not dishonor Him in any way. 

There was a little boy sitting behind me. He was about 5-6 years old and he sat through the long movie without getting up, or saying he was bored. He was asking questions about Jesus during the movie to his mom.  She of course wanted him to stay quiet not to disturb anyone....but one of the questions I heard was asking about the tomb where Jesus was buried.  I think that was amazing.  This little boy understood everything about Jesus except what a tomb was.  If this movie keep a little 5-6 year old's interested and teaching him about Jesus being the Son of God, dying on the cross for our sins, rising from the dead, showing
his disciples that He is alive and telling them to go out into the world and spread the Good News.....I believe this movie did it's job.

The acting and special effects were great and not cheaply made. We can use more films such as "Son of God" to unite us, and leading non-believers to Jesus. God can work wonders in using this movie for good and He can use it for His glory. Let us pray for more good Christian movies to hit the big screen and let us be thankful that there are still some Christians in Hollywood who want the world to know Jesus.

So to sum this up, I would recommend "Son of God" and "God's Not Dead".  We need to go the the movies to show Hollywood there are Christians out there and we want more Good Christian Movies.  

Bring a friend, treat a person that can't afford to go to the movies or bring an non-believer. You may just plant a seed and change someone's life as well as your own.

I do have to add this.  I will not go to see "Noah". This movie does not follow the Bible at all.  It does NOT mention GOD in the movie at all. I have attached a link written by Eric Hovind "Say No to the Noah Movie".

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