Wednesday, March 5, 2014

40 Days of Prayer - Day 30 JOINS US TODAY! ... IT'S NOT TOO LATE!!

40 Days of Prayer - Day 30
At NorthWest Bible Church, we are doing 40 Days of Prayer. I would like you to join us wherever you live.
Come and share God's amazing Story of His redeeming and saving Love

40 Days of Prayer - Day 30

NWBC Family and Friends,

One of our measures is “Held Hands - Living life together.”  And when unpacking our value of Real Community we say that “We are accepting and loving, making room for everyone no matter what.”  There is power in being together and there is a display of the Gospel when we, in unity, pursue God with one another.  Today we are praying that God would literally build those circles, those groups and be Present in those gatherings.

Our constant prayer throughout these 40 days is to ask God to touch our hearts, train our hearts, and transform our hearts with the Gospel - God's amazing Story of His redeeming and saving Love.  
Below is our specific request to pray for and a Scripture to pray through.  I’m writing out my prayer as an example of how I’m connecting to God.  Your words and your prayers matter and He can’t wait to hear your voice.

Day 30:  Wednesday, March 5
Pray that God will bring groups together to share the story.

“So we have not stopped praying for you since we first heard about you.  We ask God to give you complete knowledge of his will and to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding.”  (Colossians 1:9)

My Pastor Ty's Prayer:  “Father, thank You that You value unity and togetherness.  There is something inside of community that expresses Who You are.  I pray that we will build circles of influence and care, places where we know others and are known by others and where we experience the power of pursuing You together.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Praying with you,
Pastor Ty

My Prayer: Dear Father God, You want us to come together in unity and spread Your Word. I pray for all of us at NWBC in all our different small groups, to be able to bring outsiders to join them.  That the new comers ask Jesus into their hearts by hearing Your Word.  That they become hungry to keep learning and that they become so excited about how Jesus is working in their lives. That they too want to tell everyone that comes in their path, sharing Your Story on how their lives change. That this works like a chain and more and more people attaches their links as brothers and sisters in Christ.  I pray this for our church and all other churches that teach Your Word. I pray this in Your Son Jesus' Holy Name, Amen.

Ryan is our NorthWest Bible Church's Worship Director. My daughter Missy and Ryan were in choir together when they were little. He is amazing...I love his voice and thought you would enjoy his video.

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